Michael Doyle

Michael Doyle joined Quest as a Senior Vice President in 2010. Mr. Doyle has experience across various sectors and roles related to leveraged debt transactions, real estate, and the capital markets.


Mr. Doyle led structured credit syndication and was responsible for a trading book of secondary debt positions at Merrill Lynch until 2008. As a Vice President at Merrill, Mr. Doyle worked across a number of asset classes, including residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities and high yield corporate loans and bonds. During his tenure, Merrill was number one in the structured credit league tables and a leading innovator of cash and synthetic debt transactions.


Prior to joining Merrill Lynch in 2006, Mr. Doyle was an investment banker at Bear Stearns, focused on Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs). In this role, Mr. Doyle structured transactions and managed all phases of deal process, from mandate to settlement.


Mr. Doyle earned his MBA in 2004 with a concentration in Finance and Economics and Beta Gamma Sigma honors from Columbia Business School. Mr. Doyle graduated with Dean's List honors from Duke University.

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